Friday, September 30, 2011


Fall, Indian Summer, my absolute favorite time of year, the colors are now peaking! I once turned down a consulting job because it wouldve taken me away from here during this amazing time. This season IS why we tolerate the long winters, the  bizarre weather patterns and the slippery roads.


Brilliant Fall  Staghorn Sumac
 A sudden cold snap wakes us up out of our summer daze, jarring us into the reality of change

Andy's last day at the St Paul Market before going off to college.
Just for today, I  want to stop time.  I love the autumn, but I will sorely miss the summer. The little boy will always be my little boy, although I am so proud of him as a young man.

"Holmes Lake Apple Orchard,  just down the road, open  24/7

Many beautiful changes have taken place during the last month, the apples down the road at Holmes Lake Orchard are now ready for the picking...where else can you go to a 24 hour pick your own apple orchard?

"Tule" one of our Livestock Guardian Dogs, heavy with pups.
"Tule, our Spanish Ranch Mastiff gifted us with a litter of 8 pups, photos will soon follow!

Dave was FINALLY able to beat the rain  and get some  hay up!!!

Jon with "Windy"
Jon, a very pleasant  young man from  Georgia (USA) has come to stay with us for a while to experience farming in the northwoods, he also makes GREAT pizzas!!! 

"Setsuko" a cheery gal from Japan  has blessed us with her presence for two weeks, and "Sophie" arrives from the U.K this coming goodness!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Yes! We are open this Sunday!
It's been crazily busy here the last two weeks, we are all feeling the push to squeeze  the most out of summer. See Dave, see Dave run, run, run!
We will update soon with more photos, I just need  a new usb cord, nasty  Border Collie pup ate the  last one.
The tomatoe garden is saturated in red, the basil is creating it's own country, and the husk cherries are ever so slowly becoming ripe. And the cheese....the cheese is putting on age  and  exploding with flavor !!! It's going to be a great (and delicious) Sunday!
If all goes well today, I will be able to update with current photos of the farm and our new interns!